Cellular Hydration™ is proven by Science

In several in-vitro human skeletal muscle cell studies, Cellular Hydration™ was found to positively support muscle strength, endurance and recovery.


in mitochondrial energy production

We evaluated whether adding Cellular Hydration™ to skeletal muscle cells can increase mitochondrial copy number.

Mitochondria, often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell, play a crucial role in generating the energy needed for cellular functions. Increasing the number of mitochondria can significantly boost energy production in muscle cells, leading to enhanced performance during workouts. This boost in mitochondrial density translates to greater, strength, and overall athletic performance.

Study result: Third Party Laboratory test showed that Cellular Hydration™ increased mitochondrial copy number by 48%.

That’s great news for your body’s energy production during exercise.


in mitochondria activity in stress-induced skeletal Muscle

We evaluated whether adding Cellular Hydration™ to skeletal muscle cells can increase mitochondria activity under normal and stress-induced conditions.

Study result: Cellular Hydration™ had increased mitochondria intensity by 31% in normal muscle cells and 27% in stress-induced muscle cells (using an oxidation agent, H2O2). This might suggest a better protect-and-recover effect of Cellular Hydration™ during a workout.


in muscle damage during exercise

We evaluated whether adding Cellular Hydration™ to skeletal muscle cells can reduce muscle damage and fatigue onset, which hinder endurance during a workout.

Biomarkers creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are commonly used to measure tissue damage. Lower levels of CK and LDH mean less tissue damage, and vice-versa.

In this study, Cellular Hydration™ was added to skeletal muscle cells before they underwent oxidative stress (H2O2) to simulate the potential protective effects of consumption before a workout.

Study result: Cellular Hydration™ had reduced CK protein levels by 64% and LDH protein levels by 92%. If you’re looking to boost endurance during exercise, drinking Cellular Hydration™ can help you go the extra mile.


in muscle damage after exercise

We evaluated whether adding Cellular Hydration™ to “stress” skeletal muscle cells can reduce muscle damage and fatigue onset, which hinder recovery after a workout.

In this study, Cellular Hydration™ was added to skeletal muscle cells after they underwent oxidative stress (H2O2) to simulate effects of consumption after a workout.

Study result: Cellular Hydration™ had reduced CK protein levels by 80% and LDH protein levels by 83%. Anyone serious about performance would acknowledge that recovery after exercise is important, and Cellular Hydration™ can help you bounce back to optimal state.

Proven to


With scientific support for improved muscle strength, endurance and recovery, experience the efficacy of
Cellular Hydration™ in enhancing your workouts.

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